How do you make a website for your small business? SBI!

To date, we've talked about the theory of effective websites for small businesses. This post will help you put it all together in a plan that works.

Site Build It (SBI) is a company that helps businesses and individuals put together websites that sell. Many of their members are people trying to make a living or a supplemental income through internet marketing, but they also have hundreds of success stories for small businesses who want to make their web presence do more than just sit there.

Here's a Case Study of a dentist who is drawing in dozens of new patients as a direct result of his SBI website:

Some more examples of successful SBI websites are:

House Cleaning Service
Specialty Travel Agency
Property Management
House Painters
Local Insurance Company
(That last one is mine -- I did it for my husband and I can tell you it works like gangbusters. We've got three terms in the top 10 of Google in just three months!)

Site Build It is $295 per year. You put in some sweat equity, and you have a $10,000 site up quickly and ranking in the search engines.

Site build it includes Everything You Need to put together a website. I'm serious, there is no reason to buy any additional product to promote your business on the web. Site Build It includes:

*Domain Name
*Web hosting
*Extensive written and video guides to building your website.
*Templates to build your website (most of the sites listed above were developed from Site Build It's standard templates -- and they look great!)
*Submission to search engines
*Site map
*Friendly forums where you get every question answered quickly
*Great customer support

That's all for $295 a year. You can't do better if you hire your neighbor's teen ager to do build your website.

Order Site Build It now!

If you are looking for a web solution that solves your online local marketing problems, you can't do better than Site Build It.

If you want to ask a question about Site Build It, you can have a SBI owner answer it in real time. This isn't the company's sales staff, it's real SBI owners who volunteer to share how they use the product.

Go ahead and ask a question now.


Anonymous said...

Yes, John, you are completely right , SBI rocks, I bougth , a site about Cuba Vacations, and I'm really happy with the results.

Unknown said...

Very informative and interesting post.It is really a big help. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
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